Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mid-October gathering

Half a dozen plus Crescent Hill folks interested in Guatemala mission talked at Brad, Soni, and Kara’s In mid-October. The group had mixed feelings about possible participation in the early February PC(USA) Guatemala mission network gathering in Guatemala. Folks talked about the information the group had received from Estoreño Presbytery partners about the effects of storms on Izabal: high corn prices, damaged church buildings, broken up fields. Participants in the gathering continued on ongoing discussion about whether money transfers from Crescent Hill to Estoreño should be part of the partnership. The group decided to look into PC(USA) Presbyterian Disaster Assistance involvement in Izabal disaster relief and recovery. The group talked briefly about its display at the Sunday, October 24 after-church Ministry Opportunity Fair.

Later on during the gathering, participants brainstormed about two related ministry: the English as a foreign language teaching ministry and the Spanish-language Sunday school class. Discussed were the possibility of shifting EFL classes from James Lees Memorial Presbyterian Church to teachers’ homes and the possibility of signs and other strategies to promote the Spanish-language Sunday school class to Spanish first-language speakers, including those not currently attending Crescent Hill church.

The group spoke briefly with Pastor Gerardo and learned that the presbytery has moved some pastors, with pastors from the La Union church moving to Boqueron, and from Boqueron to Guitarra, near Livingston. Gerardo said little about disaster recovery.

The next gathering will be at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, November 20, at Ana, Nora, and Carlos’ place, in Heuser Hall on the Presbyterian seminary campus.

-- Perry

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