Tuesday, January 4, 2011

From Ellen

Ellen reports that she got a chance to look at the Christian education materials that the Estoreño Presbytery had copied - that they looked good - but they're in Q'eqchi', of course, which she doesn’t read, and she wasn’t able to take the sample to share with us, since they're part of the national church's official business.

Ellen also told me that the presbytery got some financial support from the national church for copying those, but was looking for some financial support to develop more materials, and she suggested to Pastor Gerardo, when he and she talked by phone, that he develop a proposed budget for that (he didn't really tell her what money for this might actually pay for).

Gerardo and she confirmed his phone number, but did not talk much about storm relief and recovery, etc.

Ellen was in Guatemala for about two months and returned to North Carolina (to Brevard, pictured above) after Christmas, and it's remotely possible that she'll be able to be up here for our Friday, January 21 event/program.

-- Perry

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