Thursday, February 23, 2012

Late February gathering notes

Half a dozen plus Crescent Hill folks interested in the Guatemala mission partnership gathered on Presidents’ Day Monday to talk about upcoming partnership activities. Perry reviewed plans for a Saturday, March 24 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. prayer vigil in the sanctuary, with a prayer service at 12 noon. A subgroup had discussed this in an earlier meeting. Perry explained that Crescent Hill folks involved in various local and international ministries were being asked to develop “stations” that vigil participants would circle around to in the sanctuary. Jane suggested the “stations” be left up for the following day’s Sunday worship.

The group went back over a phone conversation between Gerardo and Carlos at the previous meeting, earlier in the month. Carlos clarified that he interpreted Gerardo as going ahead and sending the six months’ worth of the communications budget.

The group talked about the possible summer 2012 Guatemala mission trip at some length. The second week of July was targeted as a possible week. This is a good week for some people, and not for others (including Pastor Jane). Half a dozen or so people there seemed somewhat interested in going on such a trip. The group discussed the possibility of using PresGov for transportation only on the trip. There was also some discussion of what Gerardo had indicated the Estoreño Presbytery folks might be interested in terms of activities, including: (1) hearing more about PC(USA) history; (2) a building improvement project for Pastor Mario’s Esperanza church; (3) workshops with presbytery-wide groups for women and for youth and young adults; and (4) partnership review discussions. Pastor Jane suggested the group might try to work with Looking for Lilith for workshops with women (and perhaps others). Perry said he hoped to do more outreach for the trip with non-Crescent Hill groups, particularly groups that were involved in the Estoreño representatives’ December 2011 group. Doug pitched for Edge Ministries as one possible other group to be involved. Perry said he was also inquiring about Ellen’s availability to participate in the trip. Jane underlined the importance of having some Spanish speakers on the trip.

The group decided on after-Sunday worship during the same weekend as the vigil (Sunday, March 25) as a time to have a light lunch discussion about the trip, to let people know more about the partnership and possibilities for the trip. Eva and Jane volunteered to bring fruit, Nora volunteered to make tortillas, Doug and Stephanie volunteered to make bean soup, and Peter and Perry volunteered to make rice. The program for that lunch and the dates of the trip (which would presumably be selected before Guatemala weekend lite) were left somewhat up in the air, when the group’s leadership empowered to make some decisions, perhaps after checking with folks by e-mail.
The group also talked about asking for session’s approval to go ahead with the trip and do fund-raising for it at the session’s end-of-the-month meeting, and to follow up by checking in with Outreach Council about the trip. (The group has also been in touch with Kate about the interest and availability of Youth Team and youth for the trip.) There was some discussion about the extent of need for fund-raising.

There was also some discussion about the theological education and Christian education initiatives of the presbytery and others in PC(USA) and IENPG and the possibility of having a PC(USA) young adult volunteer sent to Izabal to work with our partners.

The group did not try to call Gerardo.

The group heard about Karla Koll’s health issues, Amanda Craft’s upcoming birthday, Carlos’ acceptance into a residency program, and the run of Jennifer’s play over the next two weeks.

The group agreed to gather next three weeks later, again at 5:30 p.m., on Monday, March 12, back at 1741 Frankfort Avenue (James Lees).


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