Monday, August 13, 2012

Another conversation

As preparations for the Sunday, August 12 Guatemala mission trip-focused worship service wound down before worship August 5, 2012 Guatemala mission team members brainstormed more about trip follow-up.  Perry suggested that, instead of trying to rush the draft partnership plan through the Outreach Council and session, the Guatemala task force take more time to deliberate about it and perhaps to run it by the Estoreño partnership committee.  Other suggested it be edited more.  Peter also suggested that follow-up about the possible Panzos land distribution take place.  Eventually, the group agreed to arrange to talk with CHPC’s Maria Arroyo about a range of issues related to working with the Guatemalan Presbyterian church (IENPG), the Q’eqchi’ presbyteries, and the PC(USA):  facilitating the land distribution, trying to figure out the recommended 5% tithe to IENPG in connection with all gifts to individual presbyteries, sorting out the three different Q’eqchi’ theological education initiatives, and tracking the possible freeing up of the Walton funds for the education of indigenous people in Guatemala.  Perry was to try to arrange such a time for discussion, which would build on a lunchtime discussion with Maria at Impellizeri’s on Main Street after the January 2011 Guatemala mission network gathering that she attended.


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