Saturday, December 29, 2012

December news

Two and a half first-ever conversations with Rene and Pastor Gerardo by Facebook video chat have punctuated December. The first one and a half came when Gerardo was ill, and produced little new information. The second came between Perry, Gerardo, and Rene, and mainly served to make an appointment for another such conversation at around 10:30 next Saturday morning, January 5, from Perry and Stephanie’s house, as well as alerting Crescent Hill folks that Rene and Gerardo had – on Christmas Eve, it turns out – sent a three-page information sheet – with, among other things, information on how some of the money sent in early December had been spent on experiences related to the theological education trainings.

At the December gathering Crescent Hill folks explained to Rene and Gerardo that the church was willing to send some money for two Estoreño Presbytery reps to go to the Guatemala Mission Network gathering in Guatemala City in late January, but Crescent Hill wasn’t sure someone from the church was going to be able to be there (and, unlike last time, Maria Arroyo will not be there for work). At this point – although some money is available - it appears that no Crescent Hill rep will be there.

The half dozen Crescent Hill folks at the meeting also talked about the importance of finding out more about how the presbytery is spending the communications budget (which the group agreed the presbytery would get the second $300 installment of) for winning approval of the proposed partnership plan/extension from Crescent Hill’s Outreach Council and then session. And they also talked about ways to engage the congregation in the partnership and making the yard sale fund-raiser. More on all of these - plus hopefully deciphering Gerardo’s information sheet and talking with him again – at the 9:30 a.m. Saturday, January 5 gathering.


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