Sunday, May 26, 2013

April info sheet: English-language summary

Earlier this month Doug translated the 8- or 9-page information packet Estoreño sent us earlier this week. The packet basically contained three elements: (1) a report on the pastoral theology boot camp
that Pastor Gerardo led last month (during U.S. Tax Week) for pastors and other congregational leaders in the presbytery); (2) a report on how the presbytery has spent funds Crescent Hill had sent recently for theological education and communication; and (3) a report on activities of the presbytery Presbyterian Women.
The boot camp focused on general theology (including social and political background) theological principles of Presbyterian worship, and Presbyterian polity/governance.  Theological education expenses included travel, refreshments, and photo-copying for the theological education boot camp and three-quarters of the transportation costs for several men to attend the the Q’eqchi’ language training led by the Guatemalan Presbyterian seminary in Coban.  The presbytery reported spending only some of the budget for communications with Crescent Hill, mostly for the purchase of a digital camera and small amounts for Rene for handling e-mail and Facebook messages from and to us.  The presbytery PW organization reported that its leaders had visited the women’s groups at most of the churches and led Bible studies with many of them.  PW also sent two (or three?) women to the Coban training.  (My guess is that no women participated in the boot camp).  PW gave a 2012 financial report, which included financial support from women’s groups at most of the churches.  PW leaders participated in the March presbytery-wide assembly, which also involved the men.  The partnership between the presbytery and Crescent Hill was one of the topics of the assembly.  Presbytery leaders decided to extend the partnership for another three years (apparently with new text).

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