Sunday, April 15, 2018

April 2018 visit team commissioning

Leader [Mary Love]to Guatemala Visit Team:

Leader: God has called you to a particular mission—to visit our Kekchi sisters and brothers to deepen our partnership relationship with the women of Estoreño Presbytery. Do you welcome the responsibility of this service as a part of your commitment to follow Jesus, to love neighbors, and to work for the reconciling of the world?

Guatemala Visit Team: I do.
Leader to the congregation:

Leader: And do you, members and friends of Crescent Hill Presbyterian Church, promise to prayerfully support and encourage all of these friends in this ministry?

Congregation: We do.
Leader: Let us pray:

People: We ask your blessing, O God, on these friends who stand before us this day. Bless their journey and their visit. May they be strengthened in their faith and upheld in your love. May this visit further our partnership—not just with Guatemalan sisters and brothers, but also with the Christ whom we follow.
Leader to Guatemala Visit Team: You are commissioned to service on our behalf and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Go with our prayers and be mutually encouraged through your visit with our Kekchi sisters and brothers.

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