Friday, July 20, 2012


In addition to the women’s workshop, mission team members encountered other women church leaders along the way. Visiting from the Monte Sinai church in San Carlos El Porvenir/Puerto Barrios were a female elder and a female deacon, the first such people we had met from the presbytery. These were all from a church the team had talked about visiting, but finally decided such a visit would have to wait until the next trip. When a group visited the Espiritu Santo church when its pastor, José Domingo, was at the theological training institute, his son encouraged the women to speak up, and Peter encouraged the group to permit silence to go on, which might leave space for others to pipe in. And so the group heard from several female leaders of the church, including from the leaders of the church’s women’s organization. And, in terms of women leaders, let’s not forgot the woman in Panzos who voiced concerned about the possible Catholicism of the Bibles and the women who prepared food for mission team members and others three days in a row at the Arca de Noe church (pictured in the “lunch” post).

Keep in mind that most Estoreño Presbytery congregations appear to have female majorities, some of them by wide margins.


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