Monday, July 4, 2016


Already (as of mid-week) a core part of the team's experience has been nightly debriefing and devotions (except for Sunday night during home stays).  Typically, the team gathers in a hotel room and Jane has gotten team members started off with questions/reflections (highlights and lowlights of the day, what you we learned? etc.) - giving everyone a chance to think about it and then going around the circle giving everyone a turn.  After some announcements and planning, a rotating series of people have led the even less secular devotions.  Ben Langley, Perry, and Elisabeth (later, Shannon, Doug, Ben Bridgman, and Cara) have read some scripture, offered some personal reflection, and then led a final prayer.  Sometimes some additional shared reflection has also occurred. All of this has also served to help troubleshoot the day, as well as ensuring team members' reflection included a more theological angle too.


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