Monday, September 20, 2010


At Saturday's Mid-Kentucky Presbytery meeting at Camp Cedar Ridge, which Pastor Jane helped organize and which featured singing by a four-church choir, Jane led a prayer and Perry made an announcement about the Crescent Hill-Estoreño Presbytery partnership.

The announcemen triggered other stories of missin partnership, including folks from Anchorage Presbyterian who have been involvd in Living wateres for the World projects in Guatemala.

Sunday was another big day, with the inaugural Spanish-language Sunday school class of the school year, led by Carlos. The topic starting out is the Old Testament book of Joshua, using a Spanish-language Presbyterian Women study guide: Class is in a mix of Spanish and English.

Also on Sunday, after class and during and after worship, Crescent Hill folks reached out to others in the congregatoin and asked them to become involved in the joint English as a foreign language education ministry. Gayle gave a Minute for Mission about her experiences and the need for folks to help teach, prepare food, and work with children.

Andrea made a great poster.

Ana helped staff the poster and half a dozen people signed up.

Later Sunday afternoon some half a dozen Crescent Hill folks plus helped Martha, who had been long involved in Guatemala mission, pack up her moving truck, as she headed back to Nashville to spend time with family members.

Martha's Original Highlands house is stil on the market.

Monday was evening of the fall term at the joint James Lees-Covenant Community-Crescent Hill EFL education ministry. Crescent Hill had a decent turnout, including two new folks - Rob and Judy - both helping with teaching, Ana in her first night as children's activities coordinator, and Jane agreeing to close up some nights. Eva, Soni, Gayle, and Izzy were there as veteran teachers and teachers' assistants.

With the ad in the Spanish-language paper a week ago, student turnout was light. But there were enough students to break out into the usual beginning, intermediate, and advanced classes. And the food - provided by James Lees - was good and ready on time, and included rice.

-- Perry

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